Saturday, September 5, 2009

Because your scent reminded me of him...

Today was an interesting day. I met someone new.

Just this morning, I took the IELTS exam for my student visa application. It was a rainy day, and I was wearing this huge gray hoodie on top of my halter top. It was awkward because the hoodie looked like it wasn't made for non-winter seasons. Anyway...

I walked to my seat and sat there quietly. Beside me was a seat of some guy... A few more minutes passed by and I was already getting bored just sitting there with no one to talk to. Til my seatmate came.

He was a guy of my age, and decent-looking. He was even cute, mind you! I mean, if it was a girl I would've said hi right away, introduced myself and started mingling because that's the type of person I am. But this time it's different because he's a guy. A GUY.

So, 10 minutes passed...15...20.. with still, none of us trying to even start a conversation. We've got plenty of time to waste because the exam will be starting at exactly 9 o'clock. And it's only past 8, and it's getting boring ...just too quiet for me.

TALK TO ME TALK TO ME TALK TO ME. These are the words I kept on saying to myself, hoping this guy would have the guts to at least start a conversation. Until I can't take it anymore, I just had to do it.

So there. I did the first move. It was awkward for me, because I don't know.. I felt like, I shouldn't be the one initiating the conversation because I'm the girl.. but oh well. I just had to do it.

So I asked him.. "San ka papunta?"

At first, he looked puzzled he had no idea what I'm talking about. So I repeated myself and asked again.. "Saang country ka papunta?"

And that started a 30-minute conversation, until the examination finally started.

That conversation was too short for someone who wants to know so much about the other person but too long as well in the sense that we've talked about so many things in such a short time, 30 minutes. From the meaning of his tattoo, to his family abroad, to my family his finished university course, mine..rain..flood..etc.

I wanted to ask his number soooo bad. HAHA! You see, it's very important to have contacts especially when you've already moved to another country. It also happened that we'll both be moving to the same countnry, on the same target month. So, I thought it would be convenient to at least have a friend who's in the same situation like I do. (Excusessss! Haha.)

But I thought to myself..hey..*I* did the first move. *I* started the conversation. If he does want to keep in contact, then he will ask for it. If he doesn't, then it was nice talking to him...I guess..........

So it's been established: He's cute. Okay to talk to. Open. And not arrogant. CHECK!

We're done with the exam and it was time to say goodbye. I bid him good luck then we finally went on our own separate ways.

Just after we walked apart, that I realized ..I didn't even get to know his name, nor did he get mine. o.o

And thought to myself...

If ever our roads do cross again in the future, then I guess it's already fate telling me to my face: "...DO SOMETHING."

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