Don't get me wrong, I LOVE WRITING. I may not be a professional writer nor someone who's had the formal training to become one to practice it, but it's something I won't ever give up doing. Let me just share with you the few reasons why I love writing:
5. You get to use your brain.
If you happen to be one of those people whose job is boring and monotonous, then the more you should engage yourself in writing. Boring jobs leave your brain unused for so long that you forget you even have one. Haha! That would be horrible. Writing is like an exercise, but for the brain. The more you keep it active, the more alive you feel. :)
4. Freedom of speech at its finest.
I like to be anonymous. Being anonymous takes away the fear inside of you about getting mis/judged when people you know get to read your writing. It's actually one of the reasons why I've always disliked blogging because it's like giving people a freeway ticket to your brain, letting them explore what goes deep inside your nutshell, how your whole psychology works. And I HATE IT. I'm more complex than a mathematical problem so whoever wants to read me....well. You have to find a way. Reading my blog just makes the job ten times easier for them, and I don't like that. :)
Well, another good thing about writing..and not even just blogs or Facebook statuses for crying out loud, is you get to express your darkest rants about politics, people, and all kinds of frustrations without hurting anyone's feelings. Well, as long as you keep your "written rants" well enough to not put yourself into compromising situations...then you're good. :)
2. It's a means of self-exploration.
One thing I love about writing is the fact that you are in the process documenting your emotions, your thoughts and whatever is of value to you. I don't know about you but for me, I love having to read my previous posts from a year or two ago, smiling to myself about how the feelings I have once expressed in my previous posts still strike me in one way or another. It allows you to get a good look of yourself and how you were a few years ago, and how these still reflect the current you. By writing down your feelings, you get to learn more about yourself.
1. Writing is therapeutic.
Most of my writings are products of my current emotional and intellectual state. Of course everything I write about (excluding work-related write ups) is in one way or another related to what I value in life, or what I'm currently going through. Everything I write about is personal. So when I'm upset, disappointed, or extremely on the down side, I write. And every time I do, it almost never fails that it leaves me feeling better. :)
I could write a whole lot more, and go on and on about so many random things about (my) life. But I'll end this now so I'd have more to talk about in the posts to come! Hoping of course, that I won't forget about this blog for yet another two years.Ha!
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